Why Give
“For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
~Jesus (Luke 12:34)
“Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
~ JESUS (Matthew 6:20-21, NLT)
We believe the call to follow Jesus is one that is whole-hearted by putting Him first in every area of our life - including our finances! What we prize, we prioritize!
We put God first with our finances by giving a tithe. Tithe means tenth (10%). Tithing is an act of worship and faith that demonstrates God is first in our lives. God gives to you so He can give through you. Remember, generosity changed the world (John 3:16)!
We do not have to stop at a tithe - we can give offerings. An offering is when you give beyond your tithe. This is a great opportunity for you to give toward specific areas that you are passionate about (i.e. missions, church planting, outreach, etc.).
The problem is that too many people don’t prioritize God with their finances.
They say, “When my checkbook finally gets into the black then I’ll start tithing…When I get the raise…When my ship comes in…When I win the lotto…Things will be great and then I’ll start planting.” The Bible says don’t do that! You need to sow your seed, time, talent, and treasure in season and out of season, in the morning and at evening. Don’t let your hands be idle because you do not know which seed will succeed.
If we don’t give up, if we don’t lose heart, then in due season we shall reap. Giving is not a debt that you owe, giving is a seed that you sow.
Give using your bank ACH or debit or credit card. Our online giving option is safe, simple, and secure. We provide this option to help you stay faithful in your giving, but there is a processing fee for it. The average processing fee is 2.9% and you have the option to cover that as you give.
The Cause Church encourages the responsible use of credit cards. We encourage you to prayerfully consider your resources before making a credit card donation of any kind.
Mail It In.
If you write checks or use your bank’s “Bill Pay” feature to make a donation please send it to:
The Cause Church
900 S. Preston Road, Ste. 50-374
Prosper, TX 75078
Donate Stocks (COMING SOON).
We’re working on making this option available because we know that donating stocks is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give. Email us at info@thecause.church if you’re considering this way to give.